A Need -The Creative Process pt. 6

Back in the first year of Time and Light Switches I wrote a piece called The Garden, I talked about how I have a boundless amount of creativity. I wrote about how if I were to leave my creativity idling it would vengefully come back to strangle me. It’s a violent way to describe it, but no less true. 

Creativity has been put in the box of being seen as a want, and not a need. I’m of the strong belief that it is a need. Not just for the artist types, no I believe all humans need to create, to be actively creative. All people were made to create, whether that be the visual arts, music, gardening, cooking, or organizing homes, it’s all an outworking function of creativity. I believe much of the heart issues in our world would be helped by spending more time creating and less time comparing. (By heart issues I mean our emotions and our souls, not the physical heart.) 

I believe every person has the ability to be creative. I think often times people are creative and just are not aware of it. I think that people are stuck and gummed up because they don’t give themselves time to be creative. I know an artist who’s art is wood turning and now a days he doesn’t have much time to put into his craft. But he knows he needs to create for his mental health, so he puts his creativity into cooking meals for his family. 

That’s what I’m talking about when I say creativity is a need. Creativity, regardless of your schedule or your motivation or your self doubt, will continue to accumulate in your mind and in your heart. It doesn’t matter if your any “good” at it, creating is an innate part of being a human. And when we cast it to the way side, we are rejecting a beautiful part of what it means to be human. Not to mention that when needs go unmet things start to come out wonky. 

This isn’t an opinion I happened upon overnight. I’ve seen this to be true throughout my own life, in it’s many ups and downs there is a pattern that matches with how much time I put into creating. I have seen it in dear people to me as well, friends who stopped creating and who were never the same again, family members who don’t believe they’re creative and get turned in knots because it’s against their nature to not create. 

Creativity is valuable and creativity is needed. It’s time for creativity to come off the back burner, it is time for creativity to be a priority. 


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