
Showing posts from August, 2020

Keep Walking

Just keep walking,  through the mountains,  through the streams. Keep walking through the tears, and past the violent hurt, keep walking past the dark  and lost. It’s okay to slow  just don’t stop. Keep walking.  Slow and smell some flowers, slow and see the birds, slow and hear your heart.  Learn as you walk, don’t forget, keep going, don’t give up. There is always light  at the end of the tunnel, always another rainbow on  the horizon.  Don’t forget,  keep walking, the light always come back. 

Being Sick

  Being sick is a weird thing. There is so much shame that surrounds it and it’s something all people experience to some extent or another. It is a very normal and real part of the human experience. And yet sometimes it can been seen as a choice when in actuality no human has that kind of control over their body.   I can remember being in high school and missing days because I had a cold or a flu. And I remember that there was shame, hidden behind the idea that it is important for you to be in school. I shamed myself because I was made to believe that my education was more important than my physical health.  Now getting sick in this state of the world is terrifying. A simple cough makes you think you’re dying and makes others believe you a hazard. It’s isolating and you can’t really blame them for being scared.  It is hard to love yourself when you’re sick. Your body can’t do what you need or want it to. You are forced to rest and stay away from work and sometim...

Some People

There are a few different kinds of people in this world. Some who love to watch the bees and some who could live inside the sound of the waves. There are those who breathe a good song and those who love to push.   There are the people who’s compliments come tumbling out in sudden and unexpected ways. They come out all jumbled and so full of sincerity. It’s as if they were too excited to say their kind words that the words come out and don’t have to make sense. These are the same people who love to watch the bumblebees bumble their way through life. They get distracted by butterflies and want to look at all the plants they haven’t seen before.  The people who could live inside the sound of the waves love to go to yard sales. They love to be with people to a point that is hard to comprehend. They have a thing for puzzle pieces and enjoy pretzels like it’s nobody’s business. Their heart is always for people and is always a welcoming place to rest at the end of a long day. Thei...

To Be

I’ve found myself in yet another strange place. It is not full of complete hate but it isn’t full of love either. It is a necessity to be here and yet there is a distinct lack of motivation to continue to be here.  Logically it makes complete sense and yet my heart feels so heavy to be forced to be somewhere it doesn’t think it needs to be. And I don’t think my heart is entirely wrong either. There is a fair bit of truth in not needing to be where I am. And still it is illogic to leave before it is over.  I’ve written ‘to be’ six times, now seven, and if I’m being quite honest with you I think God is trying to say something. There’s the saying “I’m a human Being not a human Doing” and ‘to be’ reminds me of such.  I remember praying on multiple occasions that I just wanted to do life with Him and that I didn’t feel the need to make a big spectacle of it all.   This is it. This is being. It’s continuing and continuing and continuing. It is walking and trusting...